How to use a ricer

How to use a ricer

Ricers are not an essential piece of kitchen equipment but are handy nonetheless. They are so-called because the holes in the utensil are similar in size to grains of rice. Ingredients are pressed through these holes to make them finer and easier to process.


Mashed potato is a classic accompaniment to many dishes such as stews, pies and roasts. It seems like a simple enough dish, but we all have faced the disappointment of a pile of lumpy, inedible, flavourless mash. By using a potato ricer, you need never worry about lumps again - this handy kitchen gadget gives consistently fluffy mash every time.

Ricers are also great for making potato rostis or gnocchi, as they are good at squeezing moisture out of cooked foods and allow - in the case of rostis and gnocchi - the potato to be easily shaped. For this reason, they are also handy for squeezing liquid out of spinach and other moisture-absorbing greens

Ricers can also be used to make purées from other cooked vegetables and fruits such as apple purée, and can be used to press roasted tomatoes to separate tomato skins from pulp. The German dish of Spaetzle can also be made using a ricer.


A ricer is commonly made out of stainless steel, which makes it easy to clean as well as being sturdy. Larger ricers can also be found and will process a greater amount at one time. Non-slip grips on the handle can help to maintain a sturdy grip when ricing.


This method is for ricing potatoes, other ingredients can be riced using a similar method.

Boil the potatoes in their skins (this stops the potato absorbing so much water, creating a fluffier mash)
Once cooked, slice into even chunks and add to the ricer, cut-side down
Push down the handle, which will force through the potato and leave behind the skins

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